
Borough 1: Makélékélé

Municipality 1 Makélékélé is bounded to the North by Municipalities 4 Moungali and 7 Mfilou, to the South by River Congo, to the East by Municipality 2 Bacongo and to the West by Municipality 8 Madibou. It has a population of 74815 inhabitants with a surface area of 15.53 Km².

Administrator-Mayor : Mr. Maurice Maurel KIWOUNZOU
Secretary General : Mr. Frederick MIAMBANZILA

Makélékélé Mayor’s office
Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

Historical background

Municipality 1 Makélékélé was created by Presidential decree N°59/240 of 1 December 1959. The first Mayor, Simon MBOUKOU. Makélékélé takes its name from the sound made by drops of water coming from a spring before transforming into a small creek called Zanga dia ba ngombé. People who used to come to this stream noticed that it produced the sound « kélékélé ». So the syllable “Ma” used in the vernacular denotes the plural form coined to mean drops of water producing the « kélékélé » sound.

Administrative setup

Administratively, Municipality 1 Makélékélé subdivided into 11 quarters, 79 zones and 420 blocks organised as follows:

Quarter Number Quarter Number of zones Number of blocks
Quarter 01 Centre Sportif     
Quarter 02 Mayoma    
Quarter 03 Météo    
Quarter 04 Moukoudzi Ngouaka    
Quarter 05 Ngangouoni     
Quarter 06 Diata     
Quarter 07 Kingouari    
Quarter 08 Kinsoundi      
Quarter 09 Niania Sita dia tsiolo    
Quarter 10 Mamba    
Quarter 11 Ngoma    

Synoptic table of administrators

Simon MBOUKOU (1960-1963)
Georges KIMABANGUI LE VENT (19.06.1963 - 25.09.1963)
Arthur BOLOKO (13.10.1963 - 04.07.1970)
Simon MAFOUTA (08.04.1970 - 22.02.1972)
Patrice MOKONO (22.02.1972 - 12.12.1972)
Fulgence MILANDOU (28.12.1972 - 02.10.1977, 17.04.1978 - 26.04.1979)
Pierre MASSENGO (02.10.1977 - 14.04.1978, 26.04.1979 - 1984)
MIZIDY NDEBEKA (13.9.1984 – 1989)
Christian François DACONDUMAS (1989 - 1991)
Michel MALONGA (1991 – 1992)
Maurice BANZOUZI (1992 – 1994)
Pascal NGOUANOU (03.12.1994 – 1995)
Michel NANITELAMIO (1995 – 1997)
Zacharie BAKANA (1997 – 1999)
Maurice Maurel KIWOUNZOU (10.03.1999 -)
La mairie de Makélékélé dans la commune de Brazzaville
Town hall of Makélékélé